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Recurrent ear infections

Recurrent ear infections

Chronic serous and seromucous otitis is a frequent pathology in pediatrics between the ages of 2 and 6. This is multi-factorial, due to immature immune defenses, but also an obstacle in the Eustachian tube created by vegetations, or gastro-oesophageal reflux, or even a genetic predisposition.

This is fluid trapped behind the eardrum, causing transient deafness, ear pain, fever and digestive problems.
Otoscopic examination and hearing test confirm diagnosis

In the case of chronic ear infections or those resistant to various medical treatments, an operation may be proposed.

The aim is to drain this thick fluid by performing a puncture through the eardrum, aspirating the fluid and then placing an aerator or “yoyo” through the eardrum to allow the fluid to continue draining. At the same time, it is also advisable to remove the vegetations to complete the treatment.

Doctor BERGUIGA performs this operation on an outpatient basis.